
Friday 27 February 2015

Football Friday

As promised, here is the latest Beneficial Foundation team photo! We think they look great, how about you?

Thursday 26 February 2015

Successful first month of our Big Bene Appeal

Here at the Beneficial Foundation our students have been working incredibly hard ensuring our Big Bene Appeal gets off to a good start.
 The first fundraising activity was 'pennies in a pot' which involved students customizing pots and bringing in any loose change. 
We managed to raise £157 which the students put in our hand made clock tower!

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Mothers day

Our Social Enterprise team have just created these wonderful looking flowers, perfect for mothers day. 

Thursday 12 February 2015

Blind date with a book

Here at the Beneficial Foundation we believe you shouldn't judge anyone by their cover...including books. 
This Valentine's Day we are celebrating by rejoicing open mindedness and having a blind date with a book. 

The limited edition books are available for sale at our Books & Bites café on the third floor of  Portsmouth Central Library, Guildhall Walk. 

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Black Light Run Event

Black Light Run Event!
The official Black Light Run UK event is coming to Portsmouth and they've chosen us as their community charity. We'll be taking part and helping to make this an event to remember!

Click here to visit the official website to find out more. Make sure you book your tickets now before they sell out.

Also make sure you share the official Facebook event page so that your friends can take part too.

Finally, thanks to the Black Light event team for choosing to support us!

Monday 9 February 2015

Big Bene Bake Off

Big Bene Bake Off

The second stage of the Big Bene Appeal is coming soon. A Big Bene Bake Off!
Participants will have a chance at winning certificates to show of  their cake baking expertise, or not.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Interactive Learning

Interactive Learning

Thanks to a generous grant by Land Securities we have been able to buy some great new iPad's to help our students learn, these iPad's offer lots of new methods for interactive learning which we hope will improve our learners experience.

Pictured: Kieran Harris, Louise Hanby, Stephen Reay

Pictured: Kieran Harris, Louise Hanby, Stephen Reay

Our students are using a free app to help them identify healthy foods and also non-healthy foods, this  directly helps support their unit work greatly.